Saturday 18 August 2007

New version of the ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System (ReefGIS) is now available

ReefBase are pleased to launch a new version of the ReefBase's Online Geographic Information System (ReefGIS):

What's new in ReefGIS:

1. A major revision of the entire site which is now matches the look and feel of the main ReefBase website.

2. A new Flash based map with integrated navigation toolbar providing a more user friendly interface and quick access to information.

3. Broader map saving options (.png, .jpg, .tif) provide easier integration of maps into publications or presentations. You can customize the map by modifying the title, adding legend, and including custom notes. A preview function allows you to view customized map before saving. The saved map can then be downloaded directly to your hard drive or emailed to any account.

4. Save selected datasets into various file formats (.xls, .doc, .csv, .txt, .xml). This feature provides for better data sharing. You can easily import the datasets to your system for further analysis.

5. Email the URL of a specific map view (zoomed, specific layers and etc) to colleagues.

6. New maps added include Coral Reef Morphology, Coral Bleaching, NOAA Sea Surface Temperature and Solomon's Post-disaster.

and much more...

ReefBase hope the new look and functionality of ReefBase will benefit your work. They welcome any feedback or comments you may have.

Coral Reef MPAs of East Asia and Micronesia data are now available online and CD format

The "Coral Reef MPAs of East Asia and Micronesia" project is a collaborative effort between The WorldFish Center (ReefBase Project) and Japan Wildlife Research Center (JWRC), and funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, as part of the Japan-Palau ICRI secretariat Plan of Action for 2005 -2007.

The project output has been summarized and published as a new key topic in ReefBase "Key Topics" section.

Click here:

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