Tuesday 10 July 2007

Villages protect marine areas - Fiji Times Online

Villages protect marine areas - Fiji Times Online:

"Villages protect marine areas

Monday, July 09, 2007

Nakawaga fishermen caught two boats full of trevally within a few hours.
THE people of the Nabekavu, Dreketi, Macuata, Sasa and Mali have, in the past two years, implemented set actions for the use of their i qoliqoli (fishing ground) .

They have successfully set aside nine areas, totalling 117 square kilometres within the i qoliqoli as tabu (marine protected area), for the purpose of restocking the i qoliqoli.

The people of the Qoliqoli Cokovata are talking about larger fish caught near the shore as in the past and different types that had not been seen in recent years are surfacing again.

'This week we went out fishing everyday and came back with a full catch compared to few years ago when we would go out one day and have a good catch and the next three to four days we would hardly catch anything,' said Emosi Baya, one of the qoliqoli committee members from Nakawaga, Mali Island."

Villages protect marine areas

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